Our Services_

Signs Of Silence is mainly an agency to connect YOU to your community. We are a “door to door” type service, connecting YOU to resources where you live. Listed are just a few opportunities we offer help with.
Job Placement Services
Food and Clothing Resources
Calendar Of Events
Interpreting Services
Housing Referrals
Referrals to other services and agencies throughout San Diego County
ADA referral related to discrimination or accessibility
Counseling Referrals
Religious Opportunities
Access to our services are 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
Accessibility happens when people know where to go for help.
We took 5 years to build before we even started and make those connections for you. That’s who we are…
Deaf Community Services 619-398-2448
Network Interpreting Services 800-284-1043
CLIP Interpreting Services 619-383-2547
Hannah Interpreting Services 619-741-0000
Western Interpreting Network 951-526-2646
Interpreters Unlimited 800-726-9891
Signs Of Silence Interpreting Services (24/7) 760-580-3562
ADA ( American With Disabilities Act):
To file a complaint www.ADA.gov
800-514-0301 (Voice or VP)
800-514-0383 (TTY)
ADA Lawyer:
Jimmy Harris- 435-669-2082
All Other Resources for Housing assistance or Food and Clothing Assistance
Call 211. Over 6000 referrals to help you.
Therapists who use ASL:
Dr. Sven Schild (Psychotherapy and Assessment Services)
211 West Robinson Ave OR 950 Boardwalk, Suite 304
San Diego, Ca. 92103 San Marcos, Ca. 92078
858–367-3974 858-602-2847
Tammy Fletcher ( Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist)
2835 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 120-C San Diego, Ca. 92108
Dr Summer Schlief, (PsyD, Clinical Psychologist)
380 South Melrose Drove , Suite 315
Vista, Ca. 92081
Hear Aid Resources:
Starkeys (Free Hearing Aids with income qualifications)
Hearwell Hearing Aid Center (Accepts Medi-Cal Insurance)
6150 El Cajon Blvd #D San Diego, Ca. 92115
Food Bank Resources:
Please Dial 211